perjantai 8. toukokuuta 2009


Sain koulutodistuksen tanaan 8.5. Siina samalla mut palkittiin yllaolevilla stipendeilla :) nyt saa aiti olla taas ylpea. Mr Steve Holzin, eli mun englannin opettajan kommentti itse todistuksessa menee nain:

As an exchange student Joonas has worked hard to not only engage with texts and concepts, but to do so in a second language. His efforts this year are indicative of a committed talented student who works well with yet is equally competent as an autonomous learner. Joonas' personal interpretation of the speaking task epitomised his insightful and perceptive nature. It has been a pleasure to work with such a mature young man and I wish him every success upon his return to Finland. -Holz

3 kommenttia:

Rroosa kirjoitti...

khuuuul onnneee :)

Anonyymi kirjoitti...


Anonyymi kirjoitti...

HANNA N. oli anonyymi